Monday, August 06, 2007

Haircut Day

So today is a day that has been long overdue.... Haircut day. There is a story behind it all, starting with how much Sean loves Connor's thick, beautiful hair. I have to admit, the boy has a gorgeous head of hair. Sean has begged me not to cut it too short, to let it grow and flow like a wheat field in the wind. However, it is difficult to keep clean because of how sweaty his head gets, (being a boy and all) it's constantly getting tangled. Gavin has to have the same hairstyle as Connor or it "just isn't fair", and Brennan's hair was looking shaggy and orphan-like.
A grumpy old man at the check-out at Target made a flippant statement..."Hi girls!" he said when he saw my boys. "We're boys!" Connor exclaimed indignantly as Gavin just gave the old man a dirty look. "Hmm, couldn't tell with all that long hair," grumpy old man retorted back. Granted, I don't usually care what some "old as dirt" man says about my boys, but it did make me realize that they could use a little freshening up.
Just to rule out homelessness.
So short story long I pulled out my shears, blew off the thick layer of dust, and made my boys look like they actually do have a mom that cares. My, my! They are handsome young fellers, after all.