Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blogging has been replaced by "Vlogging"


In case you were wondering WHY Captain Patchy turned 8 for over 2 years, it's because blogging completely fell by the wayside the minute I started "vlogging" (video blogging) my weight loss journey with hCG on YouTube. I became kind of famous. Some of my videos had over 100,000 views. I kept it all a secret (mostly) from friends and family because I needed a level of public anonymity at the time (for support and for accountability) when I was going through such a life-changing and emotionally, physically, and mentally challenging transformation. Even though I know you as my family and friends were, (and still are) extremely supportive of me, unless you know exactly what someone else is going through, "support" can sometimes be a tricky thing. My feelings were easily hurt by a few well-meaning comments in the beginning, (as HCG is easily the most bashed diet on the planet). So I kept things on the down-low purposefully, as to not draw negative comments and questions.

Weight loss, (especially losing over 80 pounds) was quite the journey. Since I was in Jr. High School, I have struggled with gaining and losing weight. I wanted my losses to finally stick. I was tired of yo-yo-ing all over the scale. But, (as life often does) a complete curve-ball was thrown at me right after I reached my weight loss goal. I hit 128 pounds in September of 2010, only to develop shingles a few weeks later. I instantly gained back 15 pounds thanks to Prednesone (steroid). Slowly over the course of short-selling our beloved Utah home, moving to Texas, starting college and the ridiculous stress all of those hectic months brought, I gained another 17 pounds on top of that. I had to put a stop to it... there was NO WAY I was going to gain all of my weight back after a year of incredibly hard work, dedication, and discovering my own inner strength. My mantra has become "If at first you don't succeed... try, try again!" Crap happens. We either wallow in it, or rise above it.

I have re-lost 13 pounds, (currently 149) and I am realizing I can have it all. I don't have to completely give up one aspect of my life for another. I am finding balance, peace, and most of all... control. I am now opening myself up, and allowing you to view a portion of my crazy, wonderful journey. If you want to watch my video blogs, you can find them at There are many missing videos (long story) but I will continually add more and make new ones as time goes on.

Fall semester begins on Monday, I will be extremely busy, but I will still try to post a monthly blog update about the family, our lives, and the little things that make me smile. Thanks for hanging in there! This was a long post. Love to you all.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Something Other than Captain Patchy!

Fun With Paint!

As I researched Jackson Pollack and his many unique talents and techniques for painting, I came across a quote from another famous abstract artist, Willem De Kooning. He said Jackson Pollack “broke the ice” for Abstract Expressionist painters to follow. His use of drip painting technique using a large canvas spread out on the floor, allowed a freedom of movement and expression that was never before seen in a painter. “On the floor I am more at ease, I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around in it, work from the four sides and be literally `in' the painting” said Jackson Pollock in 1947. In honor of Mr. Pollack, the ice-breaker artist who blazoned a trail for a new and bold abstract art movement of his time, I dedicate my first (of hopefully many) action technique paintings.

My process was one of happy accidents. When I first began painting the canvas I accidentally dripped a giant blob of black paint in the center of the piece that I felt did not belong there. I took a paintbrush and with bold strokes, began brushing the colorful blobs from all over the piece, creating an undercurrent of tones in black, blue, grey, and occasional waves of red-orange. You will not see a square inch of the original white canvas in my work because of this accidental new beginning, but I find the dark background suited the piece when it all came together. It comforted me to know that often times Jackson Pollack himself would throw paint over an entire piece and begin again in a new direction.

My color choices represent the colors found in ice and fire. I chose a robin’s egg blue, bright white, canary yellow and burnt orange acrylic paint. I wanted a stark contrast of complementary colors to visually pop out at the viewer, creating a sense of conflict between two opposing elements in nature. I did not wait until the paint was completely dry before I added another layer of color, and the melding color effect was a pleasant surprise. The swirling black background of the canvas lends to the visual impact.

Materials I used to create the splatter patterns and drips seen in the piece were: an old toothbrush, a 1” flat bristle paintbrush, a wooden spoon handle, my fingers, and a wide-toothed comb. I found this method of painting in drips, drizzles, splatters, and sweeps not only forgiving, but therapeutic. I thoroughly enjoyed creating for creation’s sake, with no lines or boundaries to stay within.

My thoughts while creating the piece were of the universe, how the dark swirling background became deep space, the swirls of bright colors became nebula clouds, and the white specks and streaks became distant stars. The contrast of the ice cold vacuum of space to the molten heat of a newly forming star became my focus. “Ice on Fire” seemed a fitting name for the piece, because that is what the universe ultimately is; a balanced conflict of extremes.