Friday, November 30, 2007

New Look

Hi everyone.

Just trying on a new background, thanks to inspiration from Emily's and Natalie's blogs. Like changing my hairstyle, this will probably take some getting used to. I may change my backgrounds more often, just to spice things up!
(If I change my out, y'all.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving = Lazertag?

Lots of lovely words spring to mind when someone says "Thanksgiving".The beautiful fall weather, a delicious meal, spending quality time growing closer to loved ones.
I bet no one would say "LAZERTAG"!
That is the word that springs to mind this Thanksgiving. A bunch of nutty adults running around in the dark, bundled up, equipped with fashionable gear, and mocking smiles... trying to kill each other in new and exciting ways. Steve Caldwell (my bro-in-law) gets the "kills with skills" award. He hiked up in the rafters of the cabin we stayed in to taunt and completely decimate his fellow taggers. He actually did have a uni-bomber appearance which must have aided him greatly in his killing spree. All I can say is Wow. You guys are great.

Thanksgiving Lazertag Club
Back row: "Uni-bomber" Steve, Jen, Clayton, Mindy
Front row: Mike, Sean, Emily

P.S.- I think my "G" rated Blog site just became
"PG" with all the killing words.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween Spooks A Plenty

I love Halloween. As a kid, I loved to trick-or-treat until the pillow case was too heavy to carry, or until people gave us crabby looks when we'd ding the doorbell past 9:00. As an adult, I am having just as much fun carving pumpkins with my kids or watching them run from house to house with huge smiles on their painted faces. What's weird about my kids though, is they enjoy the Trick-or-Treating gathering rather than the gorging on candy until they are sick. I don't get it, but I am definitely not complaining.

Maybe it has something to do with the "Candy Fairy". A couple of years ago, we introduced the candy fairy. The more candy you leave in your sack at the end of your bed on Halloween night, the more she'll trade you for it. She's pretty generous if you give her ALL of your candy. Connor got a guitar from her last year because he did not eat a single piece! Amazing but true. Gavin has a little harder time giving up his goodies. (This year he didn't want to give her any) But, in the end, it works out well. Why do this? Why would I allow a strange fairy into my home to take away all my kids hard earned candy?? It's a blessing not to have over-sugared kids (and Mom) in the house for a week. I know this won't last long. Santa Claus, Candy Fairy, and the Tooth Fairy will all be extinct by next year. I am clinging to the last remaining imaginations of my children. And hey, they aren't complaining. They get a pretty sweet toy they've had their eye on. WIN-WIN!

We were lazy (and when I say "we" I mean "me") this year and recycled some costumes. After our trip to California last week, I just couldn't get excited about going to a picked over store looking for last-minute costumes. The kids looked cute anyway in their not-so-new costumes. Take a look.............

Arrgh, the treasure...
where did ye hide it, ye scurvy dog??

My darling blue-eyed pirate,
how I love your painted-on beard, and silly face.

Never grow up, Connor.

Superbaby saves the day! He is a master at
drooling on foes and blasting them
with toxic fumes from his diaper.

Brennan is my kryptonite.
Too...cute...can't...move!A fun shot for the scrapbook.
Pirates, Peter, and a cute witch to boot.