Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Abyss (otherwise known as FaceBook)

I have a new addiction. It's Facebook. That's the reason why my Blog is dying a horribly neglected death. When Shanna first mentioned Facebook, I thought "Hmmm, no thanks. There are enough weirdos and pervs in my life already". (Joke) But when I saw Sean set up his profile and find friends he hadn't seen in 20 years, I became a tad jealous. The next day I set up my own profile, and began finding friends, old neighbors, family members, dead pets...etc. For the past couple of weeks, I have spent HOURS of time (I could've been doing something totally productive with) on Facebook. It's been an absolute delight reconnecting with old friends and family. I did take a short break during our Disnyworld trip (pictures and posting will come someday), but I always wondered if I was missing out on something. Sad, sad, sad.
One small breakthrough has occured however. I only allow myself to Facebook when Brennan is down for a nap, or it's late at night and I cannot sleep. That's it. I am getting better at managing my addiction. Will I ever give it up "cold turkey"? Uh, no. It's just too darn fun. In fact, if you want to join me in my deep cozy abyss (if you haven't already) go here:

See you soon! Mwah-ha-ha! :)


Salty Incisor said...

ha ha we are similar but i still haven't gone in to the pool still dipping my feet, and spying on everyone with a fake profile

Anonymous said...

Dead Pets?

You are strong for limiting yourself on Facebook. I have it on my phone, and I check it at least once an hour!

lydia said...

Tash, you seriously have a fake profile?? That's hilarious.

Jenny, oh how I share you feelings. It IS addicting. I myself am a fan of status updates. Fun to see what crazy things people say and do.

Anonymous said...

LOL, great post! I have an on again off again addiction to facebook.
The fake profile, too funny :)

Emily and Clay said...

I love it too. I have so many friends that don't look at blogs (it is not cool in Oregon yet, I guess) this is a great way to keep up! I love it. Now if only I could drop 45 pounds so I am recognizeable to my old friends :).

Natalie said...

Man, the facebook plague - - you, Lydia, Shanna, Emily, is Mindy infected yet? I'm steering clear. But I love the posts! All-a-day, so cute its definitely worth copying! And that dog is adorable. I'm glad you love him. My fam has had the same dog for 20 years now - Ginger, remember her? We don't know how she's still alive, but she's alive and well.

Natalie said...

correction - I've been informed that we've only had Ginger for 15 years. My bad. Feels like a long time.