Monday, December 11, 2006

Winter is here! (At least for a day)

I can finally say that winter has come to Houston. It's so nice to actually USE a hat on Brennan. Yesterday it was 39 degrees. Tomorrow's forecast? 74 degrees. was nice while it lasted.

Brennan is doing so well. I don't know if you can tell with the hat on, but he's turning strawberry blonde. He's sitting all by himself, pulling himself up in his crib, and even clearly said "HI DAD!" to Sean yesterday. I am sure it was by accident, but it was fun to hear actual words coming from that cute pudgy face. My little guy is growing up so fast, already 7 months old. Where's the "pause" button on life? I'd be pressing it all the time if there was one.


Anonymous said...

Darling picture, Jenny! He is so dang cute. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I love you so much. Hope your day is great.

Anonymous said...

That comment was from me, Jen. I had trouble signing on with my Blogger account. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

He is adorable! I love the hat!!! He has grown so much since I saw him last....and I cant wait to see you all of the time.

Happy Birthday!--Em