Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Santa was goooood to me this year!

So Sean and I vowed not to get each other Christmas gifts this year. Do you think he kept his side of the bargain? Nope. I should know better by now. He knows how much I am enjoying my camera and new adobe software for photo editing, so this is what he got me for Christmas. My very own laptop! And of course, he personalized it as well. How many moms actually have their kids on their computer?
I loved that. What a cool idea.

It's hard to tell scale from this picture, but this screen is enormous! I am amazed at how easy it is to see things you don't normally catch on a regular computer. It has some nice features for watching movies and listening to music, too. The whole media package. And, I can play SOLITAIRE, too! Somewhere Sean is reading this and saying "Noooooooooooo!"
Curse you, Solitaire!

Thank you, Sean. I love you.