Monday, September 10, 2007

Dorks On Parade

My kids (as you now well know), are quite creative. Today they came up with use #99 for an old bike tire. Sean was replacing his tires due to a major blowout involving a thorn patch (we counted over 60 holes in his front tire alone) and the kids had a blast coming up with uses for the discards.
I can only guess what people driving by must have thought seeing my two yahoos running around like this....I hope it gave them a good laugh. At any rate, it's good blackmail footage for when they are older.

They may be dorks, but they are still cute.
I love this picture of Connor.

Gavin's blue eyes and freckles are my favorite.
He refused to smile, though.

Brennan's a stinker, and unfortunately he inherited my teeth.
But to me he's the cutest darn baby in the world.
I love you, Bren-bren.


LoriB said...

black male? or blackmail?

The boys are sooo cute! I miss them so much!

Jenny said...

Oh, hahahahaha. I am tired. Yes, black-mail.

Natalie said...

Dorks on Parade? I love it! I've always been a fan of blatent dorkiness. Because if you can't let yourself be dorky once in a while, then you're taking yourself too seriously.

Those pictures on this post and the bowling post are absolutely adorable!

And I might borrow your term "Dorks on Parade" one day. I really like it. ;)

Emily and Clay said...

Steven Spielberg had better watch out when these dorks come marching into the business! They are so creative. I bet they could write childrens books or adult fantasy NOW!

Emily and Clay said...

P.S. I can't spell spielbergs name--sorry!