Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Spooky Cloud

Living on the opposite side of the mountain range that I grew up next to has been a very cool experience. For one, the mountains are much prettier on this side...and two, the storms look really ominous when they roll in. Tonight's storm crept over the mountain like a giant wave. Crept is probably the wrong word for it. Maybe crashed over the mountain is more accurate. It was spooky to watch how fast those clouds were coming over the tops of the mountain. (I did a time lapse of only a few seconds between shots). Pictures truly don't do it justice.


Mindy said...

We watched those ominous clouds as well. Wasn't that crazy? I'd never seen anything like it. The clouds were moving so quickly that the kids thought it was an avalanche! Scary.

Natalie said...

What an amazing sight! I wish I would have seen it in person. I love storms. The spookier the better!

Emily and Clay said...

Great shots! I love your camera. The storms are coming and so is FALL!!!!

Shanna said...

OOOO! I love it. That would have been so cool to see. I never thought about how things would look like on the other side of the mountains. Speaking of storms, our power was out for over 3 hours last night do to the storms. Our house must have been the best smelling house on the block with all of the scented candles we lit to be able to see!

lydia said...

Our power was out for, let's see, about 11 hours. Luckily Jenny called just when we were trying to figure out what to do with ourselves for a whole evening without the internet. Thanks Jen! We had a blast playing Wii with your family. Wii (ha ha) should do it again sometime.