Monday, October 29, 2007

Framing, framing, framing!

Okay, I totally warned you all. I get into this sort of thing, and sadly nothing else major is happening in my life, so you'll get to see every detail of this house being built whether you like it or not. Sure, I will throw the occasional picture of my kids or a rare moment worthy of posting, but the majority of the posts from here on out (until April, at least) will be ones just like this.
Framing! HOORAY! I never thought I would see the day when I could actually SEE what my house will look like. I have already gushed about our framing crew. They are awesome, of course. But we go on vacation for a few days and BAM! There's a house, framed that is.

Here's the front..porch, entry, garage, guest room...
click on these if you can't see 'em too well.
Back of house...dining, living, master bedroom windows.
Standing in the living room looking at the front door
(office to the left, stairs to the right)
Living room to the back porch.
There will be a big fireplace going in on the left there.
All windows and a french door! Pretty, pretty.
Dining room/ breakfast nook off of the kitchen
Kitchen (cabinets and bar will be here).
Pantry is straight ahead. Office to the right.
Master bedroom...ahhh, my retreat.
Guest bedroom. What a view!Just a couple of basement shots...this is the game room.Kitchen/dining area,
home theater through the right doorway.
I am printing these pages off and compiling a chronology book of our building adventures. I am sure there will be good and bad times, ups and downs. But overall, it is a fun process and is so exciting to see OUR home! Please put up with me for the next few months...I will be a little obsessed if you haven't picked up on that already. Sorry. :)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Disneyland fun!

We took a little break during the kids' fall break at school. Where did we go? Disneyland, of course! We had an awesome time...the boys are really at the age where the wonder and magic are at an all time high. We had so much fun! BUT I am glad it is over. Three days at Disneyland is one day too many. We tagged along with Mindy and Steve and all their kids. It was a trip we will never forget. On with the show.... ( I apologize in advance for no pictures of my nieces and nephew. I only took pictures on the last day when we went our seperate ways. I did get one shot of dinner together, however).

Brennan and the binkie...
Man, I need to break him of his crutch. (Shudder to think).

"Hey! I don't think I can break this bridge...but let's find out!"
Connor's engineering tests prove successful.

Indiana Dad strikes again! (Connor took the photo I think.)

Happy baby's got his blanket, binkie, and no shoes! Hooray.

Brennan fought the nap for two days straight...
and finally gave in on the last day.

The bruise over his eye is from
doing battle with the coffee table.
It obviously won.

It's a small castle, after all.

Connor's attempt at being King of England...

...Gavin puts a little more effort into it.

The Mathis Train

Watch out, Toon cars drive themselves.

Back at the hotel....Brennan has
more fun playing in the cupboards.

Where's Connor?

Our last night at Disney. Rainforest Cafe was fun,
but if I never see another animatronic animal, pirate,
huge boulder rolling on top of me...that's just fine.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Floor Joists and Snow

This may end up being an incomplete post only because I did not get the chance to take all the photos I wanted to take today. Our framers are frantically working to get us "dried-in" (meaning all framed with a roof on) before winter really hits. Our basement is totally framed now, (pictures to follow soon), and they laid the floor joists today amidst frigid temperatures and soggy wood. Our framing contractor Randy is the greatest flexible to last minute changes, and has even come up with some neat solutions to unforeseen problems. (Not to mention, meticulous). He is dead-on with the measurements of our rooms (which we've measured ourselves to make sure) and every wall is perfectly plum. It's nice to see someone take such pride in their work. Sorry... straight walls just make me so happy!

Still not a whole lot to see from this angle, but the floor joists are down and ready for a floor.

We are supposed to be getting the back porch, basement steps and driveway this week as well.

The park in front of our house is sure coming along nicely. The sidewalks are poured, the gazebo is being built, and the playground will be going in soon. Also, it's fun to see some snowy long as it stays on the peaks and not in my house. (Crossing fingers the weather will hold!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

30 Pounds Lost....Never to be Found!

Today marks a very special occasion for me. Since the beginning of June, I have been working on losing some weight. I am embarrassed to say I topped the scale just shy of 200 pounds. (No, I do not have a before picture, unless one of you sneakily took a picture of me at Lydia's baby shower.)
Weight (gaining, losing, gaining more) has always been my nemesis in life...and something I never felt I had control of. Well, I have lost 30 pounds! That sounds like a lot doesn't it? Too bad it doesn't LOOK like a lot, especially since I have about 40 left to lose. But, I am happy and proud that I have gotten this far. I guess I am FINALLY figuring out (after 34 years) what food is. Food isn't the enemy I always thought it was. It is a friend who demands respect. Thankfully, it's finally clicking in my's not so much what you eat, but at what TIME and HOW MUCH. No more nighttime ice cream binges. If I want a little treat, I have a small serving before 3 pm. If we eat out, I cut my portion in half or share with someone else. No eating after 7 pm, period. These little lifestyle changes are something I know I can stick with for the rest of my life. I don't dread working out like I used to, either. I have my days where I really don't want to go to the gym, and sometimes I don't. But, once I am there I wondered why I dreaded going in the first place. I feel alive, and AMAZING!
Sorry for the boring post. This is more for me than anyone else really....just trying to keep myself truckin' and pep talks (even to myself) are always good. I will be posting my photo soon... just got to get over my fear of the camera first. ;)