Wednesday, October 10, 2007

30 Pounds Lost....Never to be Found!

Today marks a very special occasion for me. Since the beginning of June, I have been working on losing some weight. I am embarrassed to say I topped the scale just shy of 200 pounds. (No, I do not have a before picture, unless one of you sneakily took a picture of me at Lydia's baby shower.)
Weight (gaining, losing, gaining more) has always been my nemesis in life...and something I never felt I had control of. Well, I have lost 30 pounds! That sounds like a lot doesn't it? Too bad it doesn't LOOK like a lot, especially since I have about 40 left to lose. But, I am happy and proud that I have gotten this far. I guess I am FINALLY figuring out (after 34 years) what food is. Food isn't the enemy I always thought it was. It is a friend who demands respect. Thankfully, it's finally clicking in my's not so much what you eat, but at what TIME and HOW MUCH. No more nighttime ice cream binges. If I want a little treat, I have a small serving before 3 pm. If we eat out, I cut my portion in half or share with someone else. No eating after 7 pm, period. These little lifestyle changes are something I know I can stick with for the rest of my life. I don't dread working out like I used to, either. I have my days where I really don't want to go to the gym, and sometimes I don't. But, once I am there I wondered why I dreaded going in the first place. I feel alive, and AMAZING!
Sorry for the boring post. This is more for me than anyone else really....just trying to keep myself truckin' and pep talks (even to myself) are always good. I will be posting my photo soon... just got to get over my fear of the camera first. ;)


Emily and Clay said...

Great work! I admire you so much!!!! I need to get on that train too and drop the pounds. You really do look terrific. You may not feel like it is alot, but honestly it looks like you have lost more!!!!!!!!! You are beautiful!!!

Mindy said...

I actually DO have a picture of you at Lydia's shower, which I just peeked at again. All I can say is, WOW. I can totally notice the 30 pounds lost, and I have no doubt that you'll succeed at losing the rest. You inspire me! Congratulations!

lydia said...

Way to go Jen! I am so proud of you for keeping at it!

And it IS noticeable, by the way. When you were getting out of your van at my house the night of the candle show I only saw you from the back and I said out loud, "oh, my sister is here." And then I kept looking and said to myself, "IS that my sister?" I honestly wasn't sure, Jen!! I didn't recognize you from behind. Well it was you and you are looking fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for you, Jenny!

I had no idea you were losing weight like that. WAY. TO. GO! That means you and I weigh about the same now, so when I get home, I would love to join you in the goal. You are inspiring!

Can't wait to see you SOON! I am really excited to see everyone and hug those gorgeous grandkids.


Jenny said...

Thanks everyone for your nice comments. I feel a little weird about posting this now... I honestly did not mean to fish for compliments and although they are appreciated, you don't have to be so nice! I still have a long way to go. Sigh....