Okay, I totally warned you all. I get into this sort of thing, and sadly nothing else major is happening in my life, so you'll get to see every detail of this house being built whether you like it or not. Sure, I will throw the occasional picture of my kids or a rare moment worthy of posting, but the majority of the posts from here on out (until April, at least) will be ones just like this.
Framing! HOORAY! I never thought I would see the day when I could actually SEE what my house will look like. I have already gushed about our framing crew. They are awesome, of course. But we go on vacation for a few days and BAM! There's a house, framed that is.
click on these if you can't see 'em too well.
There will be a big fireplace going in on the left there.
All windows and a french door! Pretty, pretty.
home theater through the right doorway.
I am printing these pages off and compiling a chronology book of our building adventures. I am sure there will be good and bad times, ups and downs. But overall, it is a fun process and is so exciting to see OUR home! Please put up with me for the next few months...I will be a little obsessed if you haven't picked up on that already. Sorry. :)
What a great view! Your master bedroom really will be a reatreat. How nice!!!! Congrats on the progress, it is coming right along.
As for coming over, any night works for me, except Halloween (cause we are going to a party). You just give Clayton a call or me 529-3099 and we will set it up.
How fun! It is amazing how quickly the framing process is. And a good thing too...it comes right when you don't think anything is happening.
How was your trip? There is a post coming about that, right? I haven't been to Disneyland since high school, and probably won't go until the "kids" are older. Please let us enjoy Disneyland through the eyes of your boys.
That's exciting! Makes me want to play laser tag. Hey, anyone know someone with some laser tag gear?
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