Now find a quiet place, relax, take some deep breaths, and close your eyes and imagine the combonation of the two.... an ashtray made of chocolate, chock full of nasty cigarette butts and ash. Now imagine yourself eating it. Did your stomach turn? Mine did. I seriously cannot even smell chocolate without smelling cigarrette ash-tainted chocolate... no joke. I tested it on a Hershey's kiss the kids brought home from school yesterday. I couldn't eat it. Just the smell disgusted me! Crazy huh?!? Just goes to show that the mind can do some pretty amazing things! So, New Year's resolutions are just around the corner! Pick your resolution and try this technique. (It also works for something you don't like doing associated with your most pleasurable experience). To see how, go here.
I know it's the holidays and no one likes a person on a diet because we suck the fun out of everything. But for me, I am amazed at the transformation in my body and mind. I haven't had a drop of soda. I love to exercise, and actually get upset if I miss a workout! I haven't eaten any Christmas goodies. The reason this is so amazing to me is because I would normally eat a whole plate of goodies by myself before the kids got home from school and bury the evidence deep in the trash. Now, the goodies bypass me completely and just go into the trash. For the first time in my life I feel empowered. I feel free. I feel like I can conquer the world. I have lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks, and yes... I am dang proud of that.