Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A new form of superglue!

I hate mopping my floor. I'd rather change a hundred dirty diapers, or fold laundry (which I also hate) than mop my floor. "Why?" you may ask. "What could be so terribly hard about mopping your floor?" Cheerio-&-milk super glue! Once a milk soaked cheerio dries on a wood floor, it forms a bond like nothing I have ever seen. I am thinking about calling 3M (the post-it notes company) with my amazing discovery. Now granted, if I were a truly anal person and kept my floors clean after each meal, I would not run into my cheerio/milk nemesis. But in reality, whatever screams the loudest is what gets done around here.
Cheerios don't scream, as far as I can tell.Some other forms of glue are:
1)Crusty old spaghetti sauce.
2) Any kind of dehydrated juice.
3) Dried on egg.
4) Boogers. (They are plentiful in my house)
5) Ramen noodles, once stuck to a soft surface (like carpet) and stomped in nice and good.

As you can see, I am an adhesive expert now. Feel free to use any of these great "organic" glues whenever you are running low on the real stuff. They truly do work!
Now it's your turn.... any more "glues" you could add to my list?


Emily and Clay said...

Jam or Jelly (kids fingers, the jar, the table). The best adhesive is after someone did not wipe the knife off correctly when making a PB&J then the goop drips down the side. The lid is twisted on sideways and that is when the bonding occurs.

Mindy said...

I agree that milky Cheerios are the very worst, and that milky/sweet/grainy smell makes me gag--

Instant oatmeal is really bad, too--not in big clumps, but that thin layer left in the bowl to dry, or on another surface. Seriously makes me wonder if all my kids have a layers of oatmeal lining their entire digestive tract.

Great post!

Salty Incisor said...

love the photo!! Come to our book club in March we are going out to eat. It is so fun! I will tell you when.
Yeah I struggle with doing everything mommy at times because all you ever do is clean up sticky messy yucky stuffy!!
P.S. You forgot Spaghettios!!!

Jenny said...

Oatmeal! *Bonking Forehead* Of course! I clean THAT off of my floor too, it's definitely another worthy foe.