Monday, February 04, 2008

And the snow keeps on comin'!

So I am a broken record, but nonetheless....this snowfall is crazy!!
I have never in my life seen snowfall like this. I remember deep snow every few years in Layton, but nothing like this. Wow. Here are some comparison shots from my last post on this lovely topic.

Out my front door, the snow is now eye-level.
The mail lady hates us, because we cannot keep our mailbox from being buried.

Where'd the fence go? Under 4 feet of snow! The Swingset is almost gone!

Barbecue, anyone?


Emily and Clay said...

Whoa! If my honda was feeling up to it, we would come see for ourselves, but we will have to pass.

Sheish that is a ton of snow! I too have never seen this much snow in my life!

lydia said...

As Mike and I were driving to Mindy's last night to pick up our monitor, we were thinking that this is sort of a baptism by fire for you Texans. This really is an above average snowfall year, so you may as well get it your first year back, right?

Great pictures! I am sure your inlaws are thinking ya'll are crazy...or maybe they're jealous! :)

Mindy said...

I cried yesterday.
It's beautiful, but I'm done with it for this year. I want to move in before next winter! And I want a new house that doesn't have 8 inches of ice on the roof.
I'm thinking hot and steamy (snow-melty) thoughts.

Emily and Clay said...

More snow anyone? I hasn't stopped! But at least now I can use my new skis......