Monday, March 05, 2007

"Maggs" the WonderDog!

Let me preface this by saying I am NOT a dog person. Not that I am afraid of them, or dislike them, I have just never wanted to own one myself. I guess the hassle of cleaning up a lower life form's feces just doesn't sound all that appealing to me. True, I do have 2 cats, but the litter box is far less of a chore in my opinion than "Dog Bombs" all over the yard.
All of this being said, my opinion of dogs has changed since "Maggs" came along. (Or Margaret Sheridan Mathis, if you're into proper names). Maggs is an adorable Norfolk Terrier of proud lineage...(think lots of blue ribbons) and is just about the sweetest dog I have ever met in my life. She isn't hyper or yappy like most small dogs. In fact, she's quite mellow and plays gently with my hyper, yappy boys. I have never considered owning a dog until she came along. She belongs to my mom-in-law and has been Janie's "therapy dog" while recovering from her stroke last year. She works wonders! She truly is a wonder dog!

She's now fully grown and weighs maybe 12 pounds. (Janie, correct me if I am wrong). She is so compact and portable you can take her anywhere, but she's stocky and sturdy, too. I love this dog. She really is the perfect pet. So if any of you would consider a puppy from Maggs maybe in 6 months to a year, let us know. (I definitely want one of her puppies, maybe down the road a little when Brennan is older and we aren't in the middle of building a house.)
We love you, Maggie!
If anyone has cute pictures of Maggs, send 'em my way!
This is the only one I have of her.


Anonymous said...

Cute, cute dog. Did you know I'm marrying a man with a cute little dog? Me, with a dog in the house! Will miracles never cease.

Steve's dog is part poodle, can't remember the other half. He's black and his name is Chester. Such an adorable dog. No allergies for me, halleluia.

Love your blogs, hon. Keep em comin' --


Emily and Clay said...

So cute! I love little dogs! They are great!!!!!!!!