Friday, March 16, 2007

Spring Break = Boxing Camp?

In Texas this week it is Spring Break, which means a whole lot of kids with a week off from school. I rely on school to keep my sanity so when Spring Break rolls around I better have something for the kids to do. With all that has been going on lately with the house(s), I failed to make proper arrangements until my neighbor suggested Boxing Camp. Huh? What's boxing camp? Honestly, I thought, "Yeah, I can see my kids learning the proper way to kill each other. No thanks." But I was assured it wasn't like that at all, (and it would be a great way for the kids to wear themselves out every day for a week)...THAT I can go for.
So we gave it a try. Connor and Gavin LOVED it! I have never seen my boys so happy to get hit by big flying balls and over-sized boxing gloves. Connor even got a bloody nose today and just kept on smiling. Gavin learned how to jump rope. They both learned how to jab, cross, left hook, and upper-cut. They feel like they are 10 feet tall every time they leave the boxing gym. Anything that helps build coordination and self-image, as well as respect for others and the rules, I am on board! (They sleep like the dead every night as well, so that has been a bonus).
Sadly, today was our last day but we did get some cool boxing glove key chains as a souvenir of our fun week. My boys earned those little golden gloves! Boxing is an exhausting sport!

Ready for action!

A couple of "shadow boxing" action scenes.
They loved Toni, their boxing coach.
She is a golden gloves fighter herself on the women's boxing circuit.
Girl boxers are tough cookies!

Pure joy only a jump rope can bring!

Why is it soooo much fun for boys to hit each other? I don't get it, but at least they are in the ring and having the time of their lives!
Connor is the winner!!

Dodge ball is a great game for cat-like reflexes.
Boxers play this game a lot! Who knew?


Emily and Clay said...

I wish I could be dropped off to boxing camp. That looks like it would have been so much fun!!! The boys look like they really enjoyed it.

How is the house selling coming along? I close tomorrow and can't wait!!!!