Thursday, July 12, 2007


So I am going to copy/respond to Mindy's blog about being tagged. I know, I wasn't exactly tagged, but it's fun listing some stuff about yourself from time to time. So here we go:

Four jobs I have had: (Just four?)
1) Packaging at
Happijac from the time I was 12.
(It really helped out on those Cali. trips in High School).
Andy's Chuckwagon when I was 19. I was a waitress for 4 months, and it was awful. (It's gone now, thankfully. COSTCO took its place).
Images Hair Design (Layton)/ K Charles Salon (San Antonio)...probably the most fun, tiring, and creative jobs I have had. I really miss doing hair sometimes.
Ashford Meadows in Herndon, Virginia. The apartments we lived in. (Amazing bonuses, the most I have ever made at any job, and I was only a leasing agent.) I have worked since then, but it's not particularly note-worthy. Kids are my job now!

Four Movies I Love:
1) The Princess Bride (all time classic)
Return to Me
In America (foreign film)
There are many, many more movies I love. These ones just happened to make the list. I love Indy films, foreign films, thought-provoking films, and films that stay with you or make you appreciate life.

Four Places I have Lived:
San Antonio, TX
Herndon, VA (15 minutes from Washington, DC)
The Woodlands, TX (for the majority of our married life)
Mountain Green, UT! We absolutely love living here!

Four Favorite TV Shows:
This one is a toughy since we haven't had TV in our home now for almost 2 years....I know that probably makes us strange, but I don't miss it one bit. Besides, Netflix carries any TV show you could ever want, and no annoying commercials!
The Office
(yes, I am totally addicted and all caught up on the latest.)
Band of Brothers (HBO TV series)
Battlestar Galactica
(Don't Laugh! The new series is awesome,
and I hate sci-fi normally).

Extreme Makeover-Home Edition

Four Vacation Spots:
1) Cozumel, Mexico (twice on cruises)
Yellowstone National Park
Orlando, FL ("Islands of Adventure" theme park is the best hands-down)
South Padre Island, TX

Four Favorite Foods:
1) Thai Food...anything with curry and coconut milk, spicier the better.
2) Sushi (don't say "YUCK" it really is so delicious
if you are brave enough to try it.)

3) Authentic Mexican Food
Dessert (anything smothered in chocolate and caramel sauce)

Four Hobbies/ Interests:
1) it. My ideal day is one where I get "lost" in a book, and read it cover to cover...rarely happens however. An uninterrupted nap is just as nice and equally as rare.
2) Hanging out with family/friends.
Usually good food is involved, too.

3) Exercising. Can't say I love running yet,
but I love the feeling after a good workout.

4) Anything outdoors-y.
Camping, swimming, boating, biking, hiking.

Four Places I'd Rather Be:
For the first time in a long time, I can truthfully say there is no where else I'd rather be. I really love it here in Mountain Green. I wouldn't mind a hot date with my husband, or a day at the spa getting pampered, but I can get those things here...anytime. I feel totally content in my life, and that's a great feeling!

I am throwing the "Fours" to you..... Emily, Lydia, Mike, Jen, Shanna, Natalie, etc. It's fun!


Shanna said...

Okay Jenny, while I was reading your "fours" I was laughing because you and I share so many of the same thoughts on things. Especially the favorite things like the movies, t.v. shows, and food. More proof that we are related! and proof that our families are so close. Isn't it the best!?

Natalie said...

Jenny, you darling girl... I am adding Groudhog Day to my blogs of note, as I am getting sick of clicking through other people's blogs to find yours. It's such a silly problem with such a simple solution. I'm glad you're close in Mountain Green. It's so good to have you back!

Mindy said...

Okay, can I do mine over? I like some of your answers better than mine. :)
Glad that you've posted again, and I also love reading your comments on other blogs. You just make me smile.
Can I just say how cool it is that I just stood in your driveway and chatted with you this morning while our kids played? I love having you guys here.
Looks like we need to have a G.N.O. party soon, eat some spicy ethnic food, then some chocolate, and then "Return to Me." Anyone in?

Mindy said...

Overuse of the word "just" back there. Don't know what got into me. Sorry.

Mindy said...

Also, we'll watch "Return to Me", not eat it. JUST in case you misundertood me. I'll leave you alone now.

Mindy said...


Jenny said...

Sounds goooood!
Let's rally the ladies.
I did not misundertood you.


lydia said...

Oh, oh, oh!!! You can most definitely count me in!

Natalie said...

I just need about an hour's notice so I can hop a flight from Vegas... but then count me in! (wink.)