Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mositronic Force

I have a knack for totally misinterpreting the lyrics of songs....sometimes to the point of being ridiculous. For instance, "Banana Yellow family, with a pocket full of shells" is none other than "Rally 'Round the Family, with a pocket full of shells" by Rage Against the Machine. It made sense to me....a pale family walking peacefully together collecting shells on the beach. (I never understood why he sounded so angry in the song). Sean heard me singing the song one day in the car and about died laughing. "What??? Banana Yellow Family??" He then explained what the song really meant...shells were gun shells...etc. Duh.

Well, we are all human. Sean was singing the song by Cake "Going the Distance" and misunderstood "Monster Truck Force" to be "Mositronic Force" he even wikipedia'd it wondering what kind of cool force that could possibly be. Much to my delight, there is no such thing. I have to admit however, it is a pretty cool word....deserving of some kind of force. And so, Sean's blog was born. Full of Sean's Mositronic goodness. Enjoy.


mikemetcalf said...

Haha! Those are great. I wish someone (with more motivation than myself) would create a new wiki entry for mositronic force. It definitely sounds powerful!

Emily and Clay said...

Who doesn't make up lyrics. Heck, I do it all of the time! Actually, when there is a part in a song I don't know I just MEOW.

LoriB said...

Yeah, Trigg always makes fun of me for thinking the words to a CCR song were "There's a bathroom on the right" (instead of the actual "There's a bad moon on the rise"). :P

Jenny said...

Red Hot Chili Peppers lyrics are always hard for me to understand...."Under the Bridge Downtown" was a mystery....so I always made up a new chorus for that song. When I found out they were actually saying UNDER THE BRIDGE, I was totally thrown. I like my versions better! :)
"I'll Never Be A Clown", "I've Never Lived In Town"....etc.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.