Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Today we have our exterior and load bearing walls with concrete and rebar (sp?) which is fun because now we can see the actual footprint of our home. There is already a big OOPS however.....it looks as though we are a foot over the 10' easement on the left hand side of the house, which means they may have to tear it all down and move the whole house 1 foot to the right. If so, that will delay things by a couple of days, but it's better to get it right now, or else we will have major problems later. (And quite possibly an angry neighbor and a hefty fine.) I am expecting more OOPS in the future...all part of the process, I suppose. As long as they are fixed and don't delay us too much, it's ok. Anyway, it's cool to see where the walls are going to be.


MarylinandGary said...

Oh my ~ I am sorry, but agree that it is better to find out earlier rather than later! I hope they can find a way around not having to dig it all up again, it is way too exciting to see the footprint at long last!

Mindy said...

It's fun to have something else to check on when we go to look at our house. Please think of me fondly when you're all moved in, drinking a diet Coke on your front porch and, and watching them STILL putting the shingles on our roof. :)
Seriously, I bet we'll be done close to the same time. That will be fun!

Jenny said...

Nah, Mindy....your shingles are coming next week, I doubt our house will be done then! I am thinking January at the earliest and more realistically February or even early March until our house is finished. I bet you are going to be moving in over the Christmas holidays. It'll be so much fun when we can wave at each other from our front porches! :)