Monday, July 30, 2007


I really enjoy posting pics and blurbs about the build process, because I am totally into that sort of thing. However, I realize others may not share my enthusiasm for a dirt hole, framing, radiant floor heating, etc. So, here is my question to all you blog masters out there a way to have sub-categories under your main blog page or do you need to start an entirely new blog and just link it from your parent blog site? I kind of wanted to have an "Under Construction" section for those of you who might want to see the progress of our house build. Any ideas?

Until then, you will just have to suffer and look at my dirt hole I am so incredibly proud of. Sorry!


BOYS LOVE BIG TOYS....(Sean wants to play in this thing so bad!)


Emily and Clay said...

Personally, I enjoy the progess photos. Then if we can't make it up there each time there is a change, we can view it right here online! Thanks for the updates!

sean said...
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sean said...

Blogger/Blogspot does not support Categories (themes for posts that you can select to show only related posts) per se. This function is supported by most other blog platforms.
There is a hack that can accomplish this, though.
It involves creating multiple, category-specific blog sites and configuring them to publish to a master blog. To view only a specific category, you simply link to the category-specific blog site.
Most of the management is automatic, but you do need to establish a consistent theme and remember to post to the correct blog site.
Here is a link:

All other solutions involve editing programming scripts.

Jenny said...

uh...ok. Sean honey, "simply" in your book is quite "complicated" in :)

MarylinandGary said...

I vote with Emily - keep it all here so that we can enjoy your excitement and watch the progress!

Jenny said...

Ok, you guys asked for it, though. I may be posting a new picture every day. (At least in the beginning when everything moves so fast).