Thursday, October 05, 2006

Groundhog Day

Ever see the movie Groundhog Day? Well, that's my life in a nutshell at the moment....everyday I wake up, do the same thing I have done a million times before. I am a mother of three boys ranging in age from 6 to 4 months old. Three kids are tough, and at this stage in my life, three very active boys are murder. Cleaning up after three crazy boys, (well four actually if you count my hubby) adds to the "Groundhog Effect". ( By the way, what's the deal with laundry? It takes on a life of it's own!)
Am I complaining? Maybe a little. Just once I would like to shake things up a know, wake up in some glamourous place without dirty diapers and runny noses. No dishes or spending hours in the car chasing back and forth and back again. Someone to say, "Hey, I can see you and your husband REALLY need an overnighter, let me watch your kids with no strings attached!" Ahhhh, heaven.
The funny thing about Groundhog Day however, it IS my life. If you suddenly took away my kids, I know I'd be lost. I'd miss the poopy diapers and runny noses and giggles and soft kissable cheeks. If I had an overnighter with my husband, I'd probably keep him awake for hours talking about the latest thing the baby did, or what was on sale at Kohl's. So don't feel bad for this stay at home Mom. Groundhog Day has moments of sheer bliss and beauty, mixed in with all the mundane. I am happy to be stuck here...and maybe someday I will look back on this time in my life and miss it terribly. The lesson that I have learned from all of this is to enjoy what you've got while you've got it....because all too soon it is gone.


Mindy said...

Jenny, that was so beautifully said. I like how you said that, although everything gets a little redundant, you'd be lost without the key players in your Groundhog Day. I just try to remember that everything has its season.
I agree with you about the laundry. Talk about a job never done!
I loved this post. Keep 'em coming!! So glad to see you blogging. I love you!

Mindy said...

Jenny! Sweetheart, you did it! And you used the name "Groundhog Day" just like you talked about. This is so cool...I absolutely have to do this myself.

Connor's watercolor art is breath-taking. I mean, really...what little kid knows how to mix color like that, and have a balanced layout? I am so impressed! Way to go, Connor!

I have missed all of you so much since you left. Those first days were horrible. Every day, my urge was to take that short drive to the huge log house and see everyone. I really went through withdrawal when you left.

I love you all so much! I miss you. Great blog Jenny. I'm SO proud of you.
