Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I am not a poet and cannot possibly communicate in words how truly grateful I am for the miracle of rebirth each and every Spring. It's awe-inspiring to watch the world once again explode into every color imaginable. The air is crisp, the blossoms smell like heaven, and I feel once again renewed. So thank you, God. You do marvelous work.

All of these tulips are in my own front yard. Aren't they gorgeous?
I am lucky enough to look at them every day.

I didn't amplify the color on any of these flowers,
they are naturally that bright and beautiful.

I wish I had smell-o-vision... love the smell of blossoms.

PS- I posted twice today, I guess I am feeling a bit introspective.
Please read the next post, too. Thanks.


Salty Incisor said...

So gorgeous!!! YOu have an eye for capturing photos. Love those!! Wow its hard to believe you didn't "process" them. Miss you hope you are surviving. I am so sorry about all the stress that has come your way. Just think though, you are going to have a park smack dab in your freakin front yard...Lucky you!! Now you will have to watch all the neighborhood kids!! Looking forward to this summer!

Jenny said...

I didn't change the color on the flowers at all. The only one I did "process" was the last picture, where I actually removed color. The blossoms looked better with a little lean toward black and white.
It was a perfect set-up on that warm overcast day we had. You get such vivid color and a kind of dreamy effect from cloud cover. It is the best time to take pictures of people, too. Their skin ends up looking flawless. I should have taken a family photo.

Salty Incisor said...


Emily and Clay said...

Great pics. I too love all of the fresh blossoms. I have decided, I really love tulips. They are so darn pretty.

Mindy said...

Jenny, these pictures are breathtaking. I might use one of them as my wallpaper.
I really miss seeing grass, trees and flowers outside my window (although certainly no complaints about the beautiful mountain we get to look at everyday!). I'm just really looking forward to having a yard! And a park (can't wait for that to be completed!).
Love you!

Natalie said...

I didn't know you were such a talented little photographer! Gorgeous pics. I didn't know there was a step between 'take picture' and 'look at it and enjoy.'