It is a funny phenomenon when you put a simple pair of Spiderman pajamas on a toddler. Suddenly, they have amazing spider powers that they have to show everyone in the immediate area. It was hilarious watching him jump around with his cute little body and diaper butt. It's amazing how well children at this age imitate others, (some things you wish they wouldn't imitate), but nonetheless...we love our little super-hero!
at least I HOPE that's what he's doing in this shot.
(We may have to change a diaper instead.)
unfortunately I can't sons so far take after my side of the family not too rough and tumble!!! You just have a whole batch though and it feeds the fire. He looks so much like you. He is getting cuter and cuter every time I see him.
So funny! In kindergarten I thought my white witch looking shoes made me run faster, so I would run around, "look Mom, I can run faster!". Of course you get super powers.
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