Thursday, March 20, 2008

Never A Dull Moment....

Gavin keeps my life full of spontaneity. His naturally funny, sweet nature keeps our family from taking ourselves way too seriously. It's nice to know he'll be there to make me laugh after a long, hard day. Don't ever change, Gavin. By the way....what are you doing?

If you have a caption for this photo, please share with the group.


Emily and Clay said...


"I'm a cold nun singing in a chior"

I guess, I will have to continue thinking of captions....its a terrific pic!

Salty Incisor said...

Bored out of my eyes?

LoriB said...

I hope he doesn't know enough to have been saying, "I am corn-holio." :)

lydia said...

"Just whistle while you fart..."

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny, sorry, complete stranger here. Found your blog when searching for Cottonwoods in Mountain Green. Agonizing over a decision about buying a lot up there. I'd love to get your perspective if you wouldn't mind talking to a stranger (I'm just down the road in South Weber).

You can drop me an email via the contact link on my blog ( I won't be offended if you decide not to.

