Thursday, March 06, 2008

Communication Frustration

I am at a loss when it comes to communicating with Brennan. I am kicking myself for not teaching him sign language, because I thought it might delay speech. Well, here I sit with a baby who's speech is delayed anyway and our days have become an exercise in frustration.
For all of us.
Brennan understands everything. If I ask him to "grab his blanket and go lay down on the couch", he does it just as I have asked. But when I ask him what he wants, all I get is screaming and crying and throwing of objects. I guess because I cannot read his mind, he throws a tantrum of embarrassing proportions...especially when we are somewhere very quiet and in public. I try to narrow down what he might want with clear words and pointing at objects, but he seems to get more angry. Forget it if it's something he wants and cannot have! Wow, the fireworks this (demon) child can start!
The only consistent words I can get out of the kid are, "get out", "uh-oh", "a-choo!" (A game we play), and sometimes "juice". (These words all kind of sound the same). He grunts or yells at us, never calling us "mommy" or "daddy". I thought that it wasn't that big of a deal...he'll talk when he's ready. But now I am growing concerned at how it affects the whole family. To have a tantrum after every meal, play time, slight breeze gets really old really quick. I need help. Any advice out there? The tricks that worked on Connor and Gavin do not work on Brennan.

Another strange thing....Brennan's almost 2 and he has no back teeth. Just the 4 front top and 4 front bottom teeth that he's had for almost a year. Is that strange to anyone else with kids?


Salty Incisor said...

Its not too late to give him some signs for vocabulary. Maybe he wants to communicate but lacks the symbols. Try doing a few like eat play or other basic things, so he has something to work with!
P.S. I know ASL if you need some help!!

mikemetcalf said...

Jenny, I looked up some links on the internet and found a couple other parents who seem concerned/frustrated that their children can't speak yet. They had some interesting suggestions. Notably, weening them of their binky, challenging them to use words to get something you know they want (saying drink or signing when they want a drink), and one person even said that the county health department will do a free speech evaluation for children under the age of three and provide free speech therapy. It's on the internet, so it must be true!

Anyway, good luck with him! He's one of the sweetest (demon) babies I know. Hope you find some good answers.

Jenny said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I suspect the binkie is to blame for all of this, since my other two babies never wanted it.

I am willing to try anything!

Emily and Clay said...

Unfortunately I don't have kids to give you an advice.

Good luck and just remember, these "baby" days will soon fade and he will be grown before you know it.

Just looking at the genetics, I am sure he will be great!

LoriB said...

I've been finding that it is very common for toddlers to excel at either vocal or motor skills, but not both. I've had many moms tell me that their child walked at 8 months, but didn't talk until three years. It's going to be a struggle, but you have to start making him either sign or approximate a word before giving him anything. Once he starts learning to initiate communication, he will find that he can get what he wants more easily and will pursue it with more interest.

I am having the opposite issue. Tabitha is 16 months and has a vocabulary of about 150 words, but still doesn't walk.

I know it's frustrating, but hang in there. It will all work itself out in the end. (If he survives!)